NEW hollywood movie list 2015

 1.PAN 2015


12-year-old orphan Peter is determined away to the magical world of Neverland, where he finds both fun and danger, and ultimately discovers his destiny -- to turn into the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.
 Joe Wright
 Jason FuchsJ.M. Barrie (characters)
 Levi MillerHugh JackmanGarrett Hedlund |See full cast and cre

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Pan movie Reviews:
I came into this movie without any prior viewing experience with any Peter Pan story or film, so consider my opinion with a grain of salt. With that being said, this movie is a bit of a letdown. The trailers were really good. It seemed to be a great adventure led by what looked to be a great performance from Hugh Jackman. Pan never grabbed me. Jackman was great and the score was fun but once again, it was nothing special.

The film introduces Levi Miller to the film industry, and for a first timer, he was actually quite good. I don't know much about Peter Pan, but Miller seemed to nail all the right emotions needed for the role. As I said before, Jackman is also great, although a bit too 'twirl the mustache villain' at times. So with a good villain and a decent protagonist where did the film go wrong? Well the special effects were horrible to say the least. Take some of the forest scenes for example, they don't even look remotely real, neither do these random monster-birds that appear occasionally. Honestly, it looked like something a TV show would try to put together. 

Then you have the completely out of place rock songs that the citizens of Neverland are singing while mining. Wait isn't this supposed to take place during World War II? Yep, so that makes sense. But if the film would have been more fun, I think you can forgive these things. Finally, you have the god awful performance of Garrett Hedlund. I think most of it can be contributed to his dialogue and the script, but he's clearly overdoing it. Then we have the forced romance between him and Rooney Mara. Some serious cringe worthy moments there.

Look, the film isn't really targeted someone my age, so I think kids can probably have some fun with this film. Hugh Jackman was entertaining to watch and Levi Miller seems to have a future in the business, but there's plenty to dislike about this outing for the chosen one.

2.Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)


The Drack pack is back for an all-new monster comedy escapade in Sony Pictures Animation's Hotel Transylvania 2! The whole thing seems to be changing for the improved at Hotel Transylvania... Dracula's rigid monster-only hotel policy has finally comfortable, opening up its doors to human companies. But in arrears closed coffins, Drac is worried that his adorable half-human, half-vampire grandson, Dennis, isn't viewing signs of being a vampire. So while Mavis is busy visiting her human in-laws with Johnny - and in for a major national shock of her own - "Vampa" Drac enlists his friends Frank, Murray, Wayne and Griffin to put Dennis through a "monster-in-training" boot camp. But little do they know that Drac's grumpy and actual old, old, old school dad Vlad is about to pay a family visit to the hotel. And when Vlad finds out that his great-grandson is not a pure blood - and persons are now welcome at Hotel Transylvania - things are going to get batty






Release Date:

 25 September 2015 (USA)

Box Office:

Opening Weekend:

 $48,464,322 (USA) (25 September 2015)


 $116,942,033 (USA) (9 October 2015)

Hotel Transylvania 2 Reviews:

This animated movie directed by Genndy Tartakosky is truly hilarious and left the audience and me laughing out loud. If you didn't enjoy the original Hotel Transylvania very much, give this sequel another try because I truly believe this movie is much better than the original. 
The relationship between Dracula and his daughter, Mavis (Selena Gomez) is so beautiful and memorable. With very exciting news, Mavis is pregnant! It's a boy! The strong bond between baby Dennis and his "Vampa" (vampire grandpa) Dracula, is my absolute favorite relationship through this whole movie because their love is so strong even though it is hard for Dracula to accept that his grandson is half human. Dracula is concerned that his grandson hasn't indicated that he is going to be a vampire, so he takes five of his hotel friends to try to scare the fangs out of Dennis. They go on this ridiculous adventure to do whatever it takes to get Dennis's fangs showing. Will Dennis be more like his mother who is a vampire, or stay a human like his father?
By far my favorite character is Dracula , because he is such a special character. He is so loving, forgiving and maybe just a little crazy sometimes. This movie makes me want to have a grandfather like him because he is so powerful and loving. A continuous joke is Dracula trying to get used to his cell phone. His fingernails are too long to type with so he is always frustrated with this new technology.
Adam Sandler puts his own spin on this movie. As co-writer of the screenplay, his goofy short songs pop up throughout the movie. Not only are the song lyrics funny, but they are also relatable and entertaining for the audience because he takes commonly known songs such as twinkle twinkle and alters the words to be slightly inappropriate and silly. 

The message of this film is that no matter how different someone else is, they could be the best thing that ever happens to you, so love them no matter how different they are. This film really makes me realize how crucial to accept others.

The special effects are outstanding and I enjoyed all of the different things they do with the animation. I watched this film in 3D and loved how it makes the characters and settings pop and makes each setting special. In the scene where Dracula leads Dennis and some other monster guests on a crazy adventure, there are so many special effects that it becomes total chaos. 

The character Blobby, a gelatinous blob, is definitely a crowd pleaser and the younger audiences laughed out loud at his silly antics. The target audience for Hotel Transylvania 2 is anyone who wants to laugh and have a good time. I recommend this movie for ages 5 to 18 because some of the scenes might be a little scary for some young children. I recommend seeing this movie in 3D as well because it is a very cool experience and give it 5 out of 5 stars because this movie is truly hilarious

3.Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)


When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth's Mightiest Heroes, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to the Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for a global adventure.






Release Date:

 1 May 2015 (USA)

Box Office


 $250,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 $191,271,109 (USA) (1 May 2015)


 $458,991,599 (USA) (2 October 2015)

User Reviews:

I do like action but I dislike when a scene of action goes on over action that you forget exactly why they are fighting in the first place. Well. Avengers Return of Ultron was action packed AWESOMENESS. They knew exactly how to disintegration all the action with HONEST humor. I'm looking at you Furious Seven and class. This movie is the whole package for EVERYONE. You have action, romance and humor. This is SURPRISINGLY better than the first one! The story line that they put together was genius and the photography of the final battle scene sincerely took my sniff away. This is a must see for aficionados of action, the Avengers, but also movies! It's what action movies in the 21st century should be like

4.San Andreas:


In San Andreas, California is suffering a statewide earthquake that goes on record as easily the largest earthquake in history. Dwayne Johnson plays Ray Gaines, a helicopter rescue pilot for the Los Angeles Fire Section, who is trying to find his daughter, Blake who is in San Francisco among the chaos. Ray's alienated wife, Emma, is forced to turn to Ray for aid, as he is her last option. Together they journey to apart from their daughter.



 USA | Australia | Canada



Release Date:

 29 May 2015 (USA)

Box Office:


 $110,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 $54,588,173 (USA) (29 May 2015)


 $155,181,732 (USA) (9 October 2015)

Movie Reviews:

There are several movies I watch for dangerous acclaim ... and there are some movies that I lookout for pure fun and entertaining. San Andreas is perceptibly the latter and my entire family simply loved it.

Like all action movies, you have to hang some belief and avoid taking it too seriously. However, within the realm of disbelief, San Andreas stays realistic and you find yourself pulling for the characters to make it. Which is not as obvious as you might reason. Special effects are categorical spectacular while avoiding going over the top.

5.Jurassic World (2015)


22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. After years of studying genetics the scientists on the park genetically engineer a new breed of dinosaur. When everything goes horribly wrong, will our heroes make it off the island?



 USA | China



Release Date:

 12 June 2015 (USA)

Box Office:


 $150,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 $204,600,000 (USA) (12 June 2015)


 $651,128,986 (USA) (9 October 2015)

User Reviews:

Even though not being the biggest Jurassic Park fan I was still looking headfirst to this film. I wanted to have a ride, the buzz was constructive and I actually wanted to see how the park opened looked like. My prospects weren't sky high, I really just wanted to have that thrilling ride that the first one accessible. The movie doesn't achieve to meet that standard, but still has enough going on for it not to be clear a failure.

The rest was all just: "Well OK, I am sure I will forget this the second I exit the film". The premise of the film is not interesting nor grounded enough for it ever to be truly relevant. It's just another dinosaur and that would be OK if it wasn't inserted in this plot that a couple too many and convenient times strayed away from credibility. Moreover the themes it is trying to explore are frustratingly and repeatedly put aside. The CGI is just forgettable unfortunately. There are maybe a couple of shiny moments, but other than being somewhat underwhelming it really is just too poorly used for it to provoke any sense of wonder or amazement in 2015, I am really sorry, CGI has to be used as a gift not as a gadget and it is what this film did. And on the final negative note, you are given a group of way too generic characters, they seemed to have been pre-fabricated in the factory of generic blockbusters. With the exception of Bryce Dallas Howard, who really gives her character a beat and a presence on screen making her likable, all of the characters I really couldn't care that much and it made for repeatedly poor stakes.
The premise of having the park open certainly delivers some great moments, of which truthfully I would have enjoyed to see more. The ride it takes you finished has its stumbles, but overall I was never out of it and it had sufficient good, and just a couple of amazing, set smithereens to keep the pace going. I cannot deny that despite the many times I got phased out by what ensued on screen, there were as many times were I got genuinely excited and thrilled. I have to give a shout out to the sound design and mixing of the film because it is definitely the part that is resonating the most with me whilst writing this review. Much more than CGI, which I will get into later, it added a real layer to the film and astonishingly helped getting me engaged. It is great to hear the original theme back and I just might think it wasn't used enough. To sum up the positives in the best way possible: the parts that worked, really worked.

I inopportunely can't say I really had that much fun. I was never bored and really liked quite a few moments, but candidly I was far from having any sense of wonder or amazement and I think the positive reaction the film is having is due more to the fact that we all desperately want "Jurassic Park" to be good again more than the actual quality of the film.


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